Students enrolled in the White Coat internship program get a lesson on radiologic technology as they x-ray a chicken, while students in the MHCA kindergarten class receive a lesson on the Grand Canyon from internship's own teacher in training!

Parents/Guardians you can earn an hour of family service time by attending the EPIC parent/guardian meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 12 at noon at MHCA. Join us as we bless our class widows this Valentine's season!

This is just a reminder that practice ends at 4:30 this evening. Cheerleaders that are not picked up at the end of practice today will go to aftercare.
Thank you for your understanding and for a wonderful cheer season! ❤️🤍🖤

Just a reminder, every student that is in K-12th grade and resides in AR qualifies to receive funding to use for tuition for the 2025-2026 school year!
Visit our info page for more details! https://www.mountainhomechristianacademy.com/page/learns-info-and-registration

Reminder: 4th-6th Grade Basketball practice in the MHCA gym tonight until 5!

📣Attention Cheerleaders📣
This is a reminder that today is our LAST practice and it is also a short one. PRACTICE ENDS AT 4:30pm today.
We also want to remind you that TEAM PICTURES will be taken today, so please bring your uniform to school. As always, you can access this information by using the link here: https://sites.google.com/mhcaeagles.org/mhca-cheer/home
Thanks for an amazing season ❤️🤍🖤

Sometimes we need an "out of the normal kind of day". Third grade student find a comfortable spot to do their work. What a productive day in our own little space.

Order something special for Valentines for a student (1st-12th grade) or staff at MHCA! The senior class is hosting a fundraiser to help with the cost of the 2025 Missions trip to Kentucky. Your gift will be delivered at lunch on Thursday, Feb. 13. Payment is due by Wed. Feb. 12. Details included in the link to order! https://forms.gle/Tiq7XVKvf3W25i6E6

Brentley made off with more than a donut from "Pastries with Parents" this morning.

Don't forget, tomorrow morning from 7:15-8:00am is Pastries with Parents in the MHCA Gym. We hope you can make it!

ATT: Little Dribblers starts today, 4:00pm-5:00pm in the MHCA gym. Teachers will send your student to the gym at the appropriate time. They will not be changing clothes to participate, they will practice just as they are. Remember, make sure they have appropriate shoes for participating each Wednesday. Thank you!

Second grade enjoyed art lessons in the class room and some outside time.

Now accepting applications for New Students for the 2025-2026 school year! Visit the MHCA website for the link to apply. All Arkansas families with students (K-12) qualify for EFA funding to apply towards tuition for the 2025-2026 school year! For more information, visit our LEARNS/EFA funding page on the website.

Some great photos by Michelle McCoy of the 5th-8th grade recent trip to Crystal Bridges Museum.

MHCA Parents, EPIC parent group is setting up for Pastries with Parents at 5 pm on Wednesday. Earn a service hour by volunteering to help with setup and decorating. Remember the saying, "many hands make light work!" Don't forget to log your time in the FACTS Family Portal if you participate. Thank you!

First grade scholars used their letter skills to put Groundhog Day words in ABC order! What did Punxsutawney Phil decide ☀️🥶? 6 more weeks of winter this time 😭

Join us at the MHCA Gym this Thursday for Pastries with Parents. Drop-in with your student and enjoy some pastries and coffee/milk. We can't wait to celebrate you! Check your email for an important update from Mr. Byrd and an inviation to re-enroll your student for the 2025-2026 school year!

Sunshine (finally) fun!! Fourth grade recess

Today, kindergarten made an octopus and learned about seashells.

Just reminding our MHCA families, all afterschool activities are cancelled this week as well. See you Monday!